Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Katja Barnasiow Pereira - What's your Magic - Freebie Bibliothek

Are you looking for special transformation methods, Magic Emotions, Love & Spiritual Calling Boosters that will take you to the next level of your dream life ...?

©This is for the spiritual Woman 2023


Your epigenetics in alignment with your manifestations

.... that help you to make your life an ADVENTURE, to grow, to manifest a deep, intimate & fulfilling SOULRELATION in your life, to increase your ATTRACTION to money, to successfully bring your PURPOSE and mission into FULFILLMENT?

Then you will surely find it here... - get my best transformation guides, trainings and workbooks - for free!

What's your Magic


You might be wondering why I put together these Transformation - Manifestations guides, trainings and tools, for you, right? ​

If you are someone who has heard of the LAW OF ATTRACTION, MANIFESTATION, CALLING & SOULRELATION, but for some reason are still dealing with self-doubt, blocks and mindfuck ....

If you're struggling with a FULFILLED life, SELF IMPLEMENTATION and the great LOVE, then these free Transformations & Manifestations guides, workbooks and trainings can help you get started! What I want to give you are not typical, random freebies like you find so often....

.... Things that don't add value to your life (we're all sick of it, right?). These instructions are drawn from the miracles I have manifested and experience naturally in my own life (emigrating to Portugal, fulfilling business with clients that bring me joy, financial & growing abundance, engaged in a fulfilling soul relation, an enriching circle of friends, etc.).

I am giving something here that I have steadily received as a gift of courage. Because everything we give comes back to us on a path.

On this page, I want to give you the manifestation tools you need to take the first steps to finally bring the life you are trying to manifest into your reality. Become the person you were meant to be (not the person the world tells you you should be).


The secret Code of your Soul

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Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Medicine Woman & Autorin Mentor for spiritual Women